Here at Flinders Sourdough, we maintain the tradition of "hands on" baking. Over the years, our products have developed their own cult following; just ask our regulars about our Beach Buns.
We have a wide range of seasonal treats to enjoy in store or at home. Our tasty products include beach buns, chocolate buns and Little Rebel coffee made by our friendly baristas.
For the home sourdough bread-maker, we have everything to get you started on your sourdough journey. Pick up a sourdough starter kit and talk to our knowledgeable bakers for baking advice.​
We also have hand-made keep cups, fiddle-bow bread knives and Flinders Sourdough merchandise which make for fun, unique gifts.
Visit 58 Cook St, Flinders to pick up in-store.
Pick up in-store
Hand made Keep Cups
Beautifully crafted, amazing depth of colour with random splashes that shine. Designed by Robert Cullen Pottery.
Little Rebel Coffee
We love coffee like we love good bread, that's why we get the award-winning espresso blend from Little Rebel.